You Can’t Type Me
Today I wanted to talk about a pet peeve of mine – and why I think it can be dangerous.
Today, I’m talking about the Enneagram – but really, I’m talking about personality tests, pop culture, and horoscopes and how they interact with truth.
For those of you who aren’t familiar – The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche that includes nine personality types. The origins are murky and do involve some level of Christian mysticism and limited psychometric or peer-reviewed research. To say The Enneagram (like most personality tests) is a pseudo-science is being (in my opinion) generous. They are glorified horoscopes.
Cue the gasping and protests from all the Christians who have discovered their types and now feel free to pursue God’s call more clearly.
And no – I haven’t read the Enneagram book but I did get a B.A. in Psychology so I kind of know how the process works and I read a lot of current psychological research – so before you come at me telling me I don’t understand – I’m just telling you, I looked into it and it’s not backed by science. And granted some things can’t be scientifically proven – that’s where faith comes in. Which is great because I’m also a Christian and so I spend a lot of time with God so I can also see where things that aren’t science can be helpful and unhelpful and I actually spent a lot of time praying about this topic and reading into it and asking God about it. Because some things live in a gray area – and so may be helpful for others even if they are detrimental to me. And I understand that. But I really do believe that when we diminish ourselves and box ourselves in with personality tests we are in danger – both scientifically and spiritually.
In psychology, there is this concept of “self-fulfilling prophecy” which is essentially the idea that our beliefs about ourselves impact our actions towards others which impact how other people thing about us which then causes them to behave in a certain way towards us which reinforces our beliefs about ourselves – causing this never ending cycle. It’s why, “fake it, until you make it” is a real technique people use. With personality tests though – if I only view myself as a 2 or an INFP or a Sagittarius – then I’m reinforcing those ideas by my behaviors (I’m a 2, I behave like a 2 and can’t do anything other than that) which then influences peoples ideas about me which impacts their behaviors towards me which just reinforces this idea that I can only be a 2. It’s very long and complicated but the point is – scientifically when we box ourselves in, we can prevent ourselves from becoming or achieving all that we are capable of and we prevent others from seeing who we truly are.
This is problematic because we tend to hide behind types or give ourselves excuses from growth.
If I’m a 2 – then any ill behavior I have I can explain away, by saying – oh, sorry, I’m an ill-functioning two. Instead of taking ownership of my sin and admitting that by being co-dependent, I’m not actually living in the freedom that God won for me and by manipulating you – I’m actually acting on fear that’s probably less based in my Enneagram type and more so based in past trauma and held beliefs.
I can also excuse myself from using my gifts and talents for Christ – because as a 2, I’m probably better suited to do things like serve others and exercise hospitality, maybe be pastoral – but I should leave the evangelism and prophecy to other types who are created to be bold and vision casting. Now I’m not saying everybody does that – I’m just saying that’s a temptation and potential sin.
I think the other issue – scientifically – is that the Enneagram and other personality tests are self-given. So we add our bias when we answer the questions and may not always answer truthfully but rather what we wish we were, what others have spoken over us, or how we believe we should answer rather than honestly and authentically. I know for me, I’ve met other twos and I am nothing like them and it’s possible that I’ve been mistyped or they have. Either way – I haven’t met another two and thought – oh kindred spirit! I think, really? We’re the same type? And it’s not because I don’t love them – because I adore them. It’s because we’re really nothing alike and may never be and that’s okay.
Because the reality is – human beings are far too complex for personality types. We are ever changing, growing, and hopefully becoming more and more like Christ every day. When we box ourselves in – we unknowingly prevent the fullness of God to enter our lives and change us to be more like Him. Today, you may be a two but tomorrow or next week, He may call you to exercise your inner eight or four or three. Because truthfully – we are all different but we were all created in the image of God. And while we may have tendencies based on personal preference, nature, nurture, and traumas – we are all fully capable of doing whatever it is we’ve been called to do – personality type or not.
Please don’t allow yourselves to be boxed in – whether by culture, personality types, or fears. What God can do through you is far more than you could ever imagine. Moses had a stutter and God used him to free a nation. Ruth was a refugee and God knit her into the line of David and eventually Jesus. Whoever you are, whatever your circumstances, gifts, personality, etc. – God can and will use you and it might challenge and push you and stretch you but please don’t allow yourselves to be prevented by what you believe about yourself – whether a bold lie (like you aren’t good enough) or a tricky lie (like that’s not my personality, that’s not where I’m gifted) – if God is asking you to do it – He’ll equip you, I promise.
So now that’ve I’ve encouraged you – here’s your warning.
I believe that the reason the Enneagram and other personality types are so popular today (especially among Christians) is because we have this innate desire to be known and to know ourselves and others. Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden was based in pride and a desire to know and understand more than God allowed them to know. We have that same desire and sin in us.
When we type ourselves – we’re diminishing ourselves to the point of limited human understanding so that we can know ourselves and others better than we naturally can. We aren’t comfortable with the idea that the only way to truly know ourselves is through a relationship with Christ so when we can seemingly circumvent that and throw a Christian label on it – we believe we’re doing okay. Friends, we’re not. Reality is – God is the only one who knows us fully – not even we know ourselves like He does. So a path to understanding yourself isn’t through personality tests – it’s through relationship with God.
The good news (or maybe not) is that this idea of wanting to be known outside of Christ is everywhere. So if you struggle with it (plot twist – I think we all do) you’re not alone. It manifests itself in many ways. You can align yourself with a specific personality test, a fictional character, geographic stereotypes, cultural stereotypes, relationship, etc. They all might make you feel like you known but in the end it’s all a farce.
I am not a two or a INFP or Sagittarius – although I can provably find cute quips and IG graphics that tell you otherwise. I am a daughter of Christ and I am gifted and created by Him and I only know myself through Him and in Him. I am not Anne Shirley Blythe or Leslie Knope or Hermione Granger or Katniss Everdeen. I am Becca Pope and I am strong, imaginative, brave, organized, and I love fiercely and passionately.
So if you’re super into personality types – let me caution you to pray about it. Really seek and ask God if this is helpful for your life or if you’re allowing it to take a small place where He should be instead. Maybe spend less time trying to understand yourself in light of a test and more time getting to know your Creator intimately.
Let me also caution you from finding your identity in a number not Him. Don’t type and limit those around you but seek to see them the way Christ does. And ask God to show you if pride is influencing you – in anyway. If it’s helpful – that’s awesome – but know that you are so much more than humans can comprehend and you always will be more. Don’t let others limit you (not only in this area) but seek to live fully in the freedom bought for you on the Cross.